來源:幼教網(wǎng) 2018-03-06 17:08:39
B) Invite three Ss to do quick sketches of those objects on the board.
C) Invite another three Ss up, have them each say one word and draw a line from the word to the sketch.
D) Continue with other Ss and other words.
2) Using the book
E) T: Look at the three words in each group. Circle one word and then match it to its picture.
F) Put Ss in pairs to help each other.
Part 3
1) Getting ready
A. Put the Picture Cards –Tony and Jenny on the board.
B. Write the number seventeen and thirteen to the right of the Picture Cards.
C. Write the words tissues and napkins to the right of the written numbers.
D. Ask two Ss to come to the board.
T: Tony has thirteen napkins. Jenny has seventeen tissues.
E. They draw the line accordingly.
2) Using the book
a) Point to Gogo, Tony and Jenny and the written words.
b) T: Listen and connect the pictures and words.
c) Stop after each sentence and let Ss repeat.
Part 4
1) Getting ready
A. Draw a clock face on the board.
B. Have S1 come up.
C. Dictate a time and have S1 draw.
3) Using the book
A. Have Ss listen and draw in the time they hear.
B. Play the tape, pausing after each sentence to let Ss draw in the time.
C. When finished, let Ss exchange books with partners and check one another’s answers.
Part 5
1) Getting ready
a) Have Ss look at the pictures around the word search.
b) Go over the words orally.
2) Using the book
2)Ss find and circle the words in the word search.
3)Teacher models an example: Fifteen! I can see the word “fifteen”.
4)Have Ss find the other words and circle them.
5)Circulate around the classroom to help Ss.
The second period
1. Finish the exercises in Unit 12 in Workbook and Writing book.
2. Talk about the picture of Bonus 3.
The third period
Have a test from Units 9-12.